Angie Johnson Homes
Real Estate Agency
Houston, Texas
Angie Johnson
Alexa Smith
John Doe
Angie Johnson Homes is a real estate agency in Houston, Texas. Our goal is to help you find your dream home and turn it into a place that feels uniquely yours. With my background in design, I have an eye for the potential in a property beyond what it currently is.
At Angie Johnson Homes, we believe that finding the right home is just the beginning. We want to help you turn it into a space that reflects your personality and lifestyle. Whether that means a full renovation or just some small updates, we're here to guide you through the process.

Our team at Angie Johnson Homes is passionate about helping our clients create their dream homes. We offer a range of services to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. From finding the perfect property to designing and executing a renovation plan, we're here to help every step of the way.